Friday, June 20, 2008

About to be 41

Here first Blog post. I've been an avid blog reader for the past couple of years - mostly professional blogs discussing law. Employment law to be specific. Why? Well, because I'm an in-house employment lawyer.

Anyway, I thought it might be fun to put thoughts to page. However, because of my profession and my position, I will avoid controversial subjects or content (yes, boring I know). Nevertheless, this may be a theraputic release for me. Much like a diary, it's more about the exercise than the audience. I can't imagine anyone will be reading this anyway.

I hope to learn how this media works and maybe develop a bit of a theme. For now, this will be random.

On Sunday, I turn 41. 41 really is a non-event. Still, it's another year gone, leaving fewer remaining on this mortal coil. I'm hoping this year I take the time to make a bit of a difference.

Sunday will be spent in the air (weather permitting) in my Piper Arrow, N2825A. I need to start thinking about what to blog about. It may just be about owning an airplane for a while. We'll see.
