But not for much of a trip.
Steve and I arrived at the airport for our normal 0800 Sunday flight and found a very hazy morning. Looking Southeast, it appeared worse (A front came through and hadn't cleared the area completely). So, we decided to take a run up to Statesville (KSVL) and visit Paramount's new, 2nd location.
I took the left seat from Concord (KJQF). We flew below the Bravo shelf at 3,000 feet. It's only a 25 mile flight, so once we got to cruising altitude it was time to start looking for the airport. On the CTAF we heard a Falcon leaving Statesville and an Archer coming from the north. We were ahead of the Archer so we entered a left base for rwy 28. An uneventful descent to the runway and another soft landing.
We pulled into the FBO and the Archer came in right behind us. As it turns out, the Archer was piloted by the instructor working for Paramount. We chatted with him for about 15 minutes, then it was time to fire Aggie up and head back out. Steve taxied us to rwy 28 for departure. A left turn off of 28, and we were over Lake Norman in a matter of a minute or so. Becuase of the haze, I asked Charlotte for radar service. We had 5 miles of visibility at best. A quick hop back at 3k and Steve put us down with another soft landing.
Yeah, a boring flight, but even the most boring flight beats the best of drives. This week will be busy, so Aggie will rest for the next 7 days.