Sunday, May 24, 2009

No flying today . . .

The joys of spring in North Carolina include regularly unstable air.  Storms rolled in from the south most of the day today - resulting in no flying for me and a delay in the NASCAR race which I had planned to attend.  

I've been ramping up to begin my instrument training - it's past time.  I need about another month to get through the DVDs and read a couple of texts and then I'll be ready to start....right about the time of my 42nd Birthday in late June.

The weather pattern we experienced today is supposed to last through the week.  I'm hopeful that the weather will clear out by next Sunday.....I need to get in the air!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

It's been a while

Life and work intervened to stop my blogging for a number of months.  In addition, I few less this winter than I had expected, so there wasn't all that much to talk about.  However, I think it's time to start up again.  

In January I got to experience an owner-assist annual on Aggie.  My A&P Marc and I took a weekend and took her apart.  I learned a great deal about her systems and developed an even greater appreciation for the skills of an A&P mechanic.  Marc really knows his stuff and he's called upon to do sheet metal work, avionics, electrial systems, aluminum fabrication, airframe work, and much much more.  I was a glorified go-for, and did little more than remove screws - lots and lots of screws.  Nevertheless, it was a worthwhile experience and if Marc will have me, I'll do it again next year.

The following weekend I had the pleasure of taking the secretary to the Judge I clerked for out on a birthday/retirement trip with her daughters for lunch in Columbia before they returned to Concord for a spa visit.  On the coldest day of this winter, one of the daughters and I flew to Rock Hill to pick up the rest of the party.  We flew to Columbia and had lunch at California Dreaming before flying back.  It was a wonderful trip.

The last real trip I have taken was a roundtrip with Spencer to Chapel Hill to watch the ACC lacrosse tournament.  We had a great time until we got slapped around by a thunderstorm as we were descending to land.  The storm was 15 miles away and still tossed us around.  

Anyway, it's time to start this again.  I have a BFR due this month and I need to get started with my instrument training....I've put if off long enough.  So, maybe I will use the blog to log my my training.