Wednesday, May 20, 2009

It's been a while

Life and work intervened to stop my blogging for a number of months.  In addition, I few less this winter than I had expected, so there wasn't all that much to talk about.  However, I think it's time to start up again.  

In January I got to experience an owner-assist annual on Aggie.  My A&P Marc and I took a weekend and took her apart.  I learned a great deal about her systems and developed an even greater appreciation for the skills of an A&P mechanic.  Marc really knows his stuff and he's called upon to do sheet metal work, avionics, electrial systems, aluminum fabrication, airframe work, and much much more.  I was a glorified go-for, and did little more than remove screws - lots and lots of screws.  Nevertheless, it was a worthwhile experience and if Marc will have me, I'll do it again next year.

The following weekend I had the pleasure of taking the secretary to the Judge I clerked for out on a birthday/retirement trip with her daughters for lunch in Columbia before they returned to Concord for a spa visit.  On the coldest day of this winter, one of the daughters and I flew to Rock Hill to pick up the rest of the party.  We flew to Columbia and had lunch at California Dreaming before flying back.  It was a wonderful trip.

The last real trip I have taken was a roundtrip with Spencer to Chapel Hill to watch the ACC lacrosse tournament.  We had a great time until we got slapped around by a thunderstorm as we were descending to land.  The storm was 15 miles away and still tossed us around.  

Anyway, it's time to start this again.  I have a BFR due this month and I need to get started with my instrument training....I've put if off long enough.  So, maybe I will use the blog to log my my training.