A weak front had just come through, clearing the clouds out, so winds were out of the North. We were cleared to taxi to Runway 2. After taxi and a thorough runup, we were cleared for departure, though a C-172 had just come by on a touch and go so we needed to let him create some distance before we took off. I lined us up on centerline and waited for the 172 to gain a little altitude. Once he had, it was full forward on the throttle and away we went.
Our flight to Hickory, though with a 19 knot headwind, was pleasant and rather short. As we approached Hickory, we were handed off to Atlanta Center and then Hickory Tower. We were advised to expect Runway 24, so we set up for a very long left base. I handed Steve my camera to take some pictures of the Hickory Crawdads baseball stadium and I started our descent. Three miles out, I made the turn to final and put down a good (not great) landing. Chirping tires signals a good landing, but we were able to feel the touchdown, so it wasn't a greaser.
As we taxied by the Hickory terminal, we marveled at a collection of old aircraft next to the terminal. When we got to the FBO, we asked the attendant if we could go take pictures of the planes. She told us that they were a part of a museum located in the main terminal and she thought they were open. So, we walked over to the terminal, what a depressing sight.
Hickory hasn't had commercial air service for a couple of years. So the terminal is deserted. The ticket counters and baggage claim are there, but they are dark and empty (except for the old schedules still on the wall). In front of the ticket counters there is a mockup of a pilot ready room, complete with briefing chairs.
After exploring the empty terminal, we headed to the museum. Unfortunately, the free museum was closed (they don't open until 1 - we'll make a return trip). So, after a restroom break, we went back to the plane and got ready to head home. We switched seats, meaning Steve would fly the return.
Back to Runway 24 and we were on our way home. First, we had to make a small detour to the North so I could take some shots of Lowe's HQ. Charlotte Approach was kind enough to provide RADAR service on what sounded like a busy Sunday morning for them. We flew to the HQ and then Steve set us up for a right 360 so I could take some pictures. We made our circle and then headed to JQF. After waiting for another plane to land, Steve put us down on Runway 2.
A short taxi back to the FBO and we were done flying for the week. 1.3 hours back in the air - a wonderful way to spend a sunny late-spring morning.